Toy Speak

I’ve been feeling a little down lately. Adulthood is finally setting in, and now, more than ever, current events matter and affect me. I’m not the type of person that goes to Facebook to rant it all out, however, I felt like I had to say what I feel or I was going to burst. And then I saw those LEGO storm troopers holding up signs, and then I thought–a picture is worth a thousand words. What if I use both? In the next few photos, you’ll find toys protesting.

HUGE DISCLAIMER: I mean to offend no one, these thoughts are my own, and we can be friends even if you disagree.

Current events in our country suggest that our leader isn’t doing anything. I’d like to believe he is doing something, but evidence says otherwise. So here is my kind plea to our leader. Or at least give us a clear explanation of what the heck is going on.


I’ve honestly heard a few people complain about this, and perhaps I’ve been lucky enough to land good jobs. However, I don’t think we should be blaming other nationalities for the lack of jobs. I mean, what if they just want to try out living in our country? I see no wrong in that. The grass is always greener on the other side. We’re known for our hospitality–can we blame them for liking it here? And if they like it here, how do you expect them to live here? Honestly. 😐


Hokey, not really focused on current events. I’m not being vulgar here either–this sign was from an episode in the Simpsons, where Homer was helping Bart win school elections. Then again, I’d like to think that it’s also a clear example of how some advertisers sell their products. Sex sells, yes, that’s true, but by using them so much, we desensitize people, and it has a lot of harmful effects.


I printed out a number of signs, mostly from actual photos I’ve seen of protesters. Why? Well, one, this blog is called The Happy Hospital. I like keeping things light. But also, I’d like to show how some people don’t take things serious–and that’s not always a bad thing.


Here are some faux-movie photos of the photos I just posted.

movie1 movie2 movie3


And now, two pretty shots of my nendroid, Sena Kawashiki. Because they’re pretty.

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