Blogging. Again.

So yes, the last post for my figures was December 2013.




Yes, I get it, you are not amused, Shimakaze.

Well, long story short, I realized that my first few figures were bootlegs. Now being an artist myself *cough*cough* I know what it feels like to not be paid for your hard work, so I decided to only get originals. Thus the long hiatus. But now I’m back, baby! And since I can’t just click and shut up, you’ll be reading walls of text with no pictures at all.


I kid. And to show I’m really just kidding, here, have a photo.\





NAKED BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Ahem* Anyway, so from now on, this blog is going to be about anything that makes me happy–particularly, toys, comics and cartoons. Once in a while, I’ll throw in something else, but this blog will be mostly for those things. I’ll make it more organized in the days to come, but since I’m catching up on lost time, let me dump a butt load of photos here for you. Enjoy!






Yes, I can hear the St. Seiya fans screaming at me. I’m sorry. Kinda. I’ll put up more sexy St. Seiya pictures soon.




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